The tale goes back way way back actually... The old mighty Jannerwocky & I, sometimes it's odd to see a familiar face an old enemy, or maybe a friend , one might say. Because it's just those times that bring us back together face to face just me and Jabberwocky! Strange I know to fight and fight and come back just to the very begining...
I look back and see I am all the caharacters, the Red Queen, the White Queen, Alice time to time. The story bigger and scarier... All the places I run to, there is always a piece of it hunting me down chasing me. The feeling o being trapped in my own game!
There are a lot of Jabberwockies awaiting me in dark corners and hiding to seek me in places... All add up to the one I fear most, my old enemy waiting patiently at the end gate... No time, no sword, no courage will save me; for I don't see that my last battle will be won...
çok sevdim bu postu ben^^